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With My Acting

JUST WRAPPED!!! I played "the girl" in Judson's music video for "Beautiful Day."  Listen to his song here: 



I have been cast  for a lead role in Shelly's Diary!!! I play Jesse, Shelly's best friend. Filming starts June 2006. Here's a brief synopsis:

Shelly's Diary

In the hidden world of Appalachia, cut off from the outside and frozen in a moment of time from yesteryear, two young women embark on an enthralling adventure that one of them chronicles in Shelly Diary. The two outsiders combine an unusual mix of sophistication and charm to penetrate the mysteriously closed society. When the murder of a neighbor occurs, the mountain community turns against them as they land in jail charged with the heinous crime. The defense team, a bellicose, old Southern lawyer and a young criminal attorney from upstate Virginia who was top of her class, uses the diary to explore every contact made during the intriguing summer leading to its tumultuous conclusion. The ever-entertaining attorneys lead the young women through anguished preparation, a declined plea bargain attempt and a full-blown trial. This delectable tale of murderous intrigue meticulously foreshadows the unforgettable and unpredictable climax.

Purchase your copy of Shelly's Diary @ http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1413713920/qid=1126484614/sr=2-1/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_1/002-1006111-7241664?v=glance&s=books


Just finished filming "C is for Chaos" as a goth chick along with 2 other fine ladies! Look for it in the cannes festival this year!

Great News!!! I've been cast for the Upcoming TV Series, "Breach of Heaven." For more info please visit Lost Colony Entertainment.

Auditions are scarse here in Wilmington NC but at least One Tree Hill is still being filmed here.

I just filmed "Communication Breakdown" by Richard O'Sullivan and Danny Lashley at the Blue Ridge Motion Pictures in Asheville, NC. Thank you everyone who helped make this happen! Please visit www.lostcolonyentertainment.com for the Always Sunday music video, more info on this movie and the fantastic people I worked with! I miss you all!

Thank you Charlie Matthau for encouraging me to follow my dreams and for helping me find extra work here in Los Angeles "Son of a Beach"
I recently attented an acting workshop and plan on doing a few skits and monologues to update my actors reel.

Pictured Below With the World's Greatest DJ, Producer and Promoter, Jonathan Lee!!! Check out his personal Online Record Store NEWWAX @ www.newwax.com and keep your ears open for his new track coming out this winter!

With My Site
Check out my photo pages for recent images shot by UneekArts and Moonlight Photography. Thank fellas for some great shots!